Fort Sanders West

200 Fort Sanders West Blvd.
Medical Office Building 1
Suite 107


Appointments & Consultations

Bipolar Disorder

Understanding Bipolar Disorder and Bipolar Disorder Testing Services in Knoxville, Tennessee
What is Bipolar Disorder?

Bipolar Disorder, also known as manic-depressive illness, is a mental health condition characterized by extreme mood swings that include episodes of mania or hypomania and depression. There are two main types of Bipolar Disorder:

  1. Bipolar Disorder Type I: Individuals with Bipolar Disorder Type I experience at least one manic episode, which is a period of unusually elevated, euphoric, or irritable mood, often accompanied by increased energy levels and impulsive behaviors. Depressive episodes may also occur in individuals with Bipolar Type I.
  2. Bipolar Disorder Type II: Bipolar Disorder Type II is characterized by a pattern of depressive episodes and hypomanic episodes. Hypomania is similar to mania but less severe, and individuals may not experience severe impairment in daily functioning.
Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

The symptoms of Bipolar Disorder can vary widely between individuals and episodes. Common symptoms of mania or hypomania include:

  • Increased energy and activity levels
  • Elevated or irritable mood
  • Decreased need for sleep
  • Racing thoughts and increased talkativeness
  • Engaging in high-risk behaviors
  • Impaired judgment

During depressive episodes, individuals may experience:

  • Persistent sadness and hopelessness
  • Loss of interest in activities once enjoyed
  • Changes in appetite and sleep patterns
  • Fatigue and low energy levels
  • Difficulty concentrating and making decisions
  • Thoughts of death or suicide
The Importance of Bipolar Disorder Testing

Accurate and early assessment of Bipolar Disorder is essential for appropriate treatment and support. Bipolar Disorder testing can help:

  • Confirm Diagnosis: Testing helps confirm the presence of Bipolar Disorder and differentiate it from other mental health conditions.
  • Determine Bipolar Type: Differentiating between Bipolar Disorder Type I and Type II informs treatment planning and strategies.
  • Assess Mood Episodes: Testing assesses the severity and frequency of manic and depressive episodes to guide treatment decisions.
  • Inform Treatment Planning: Understanding an individual’s unique Bipolar profile helps develop personalized treatment plans, which may include psychotherapy, medication, and lifestyle adjustments.
Our Bipolar Disorder Testing Process

At Tennessee Neuropsychology, we follow a compassionate and evidence-based approach to Bipolar Disorder testing. The process typically includes the following steps:

  1. Initial Consultation: We begin with an initial consultation to understand your mood history, symptoms, and concerns related to Bipolar Disorder.
  2. Mood Assessment: Our experienced professionals use validated mood assessment tools and interviews to gather information about your mood patterns.
  3. Comprehensive Evaluation: We assess your emotional functioning, cognitive processes, and any potential co-occurring conditions to provide a holistic evaluation.
  4. Collaborative Analysis and Report: Our team carefully analyzes the assessment data and prepares a detailed report. The report includes diagnostic impressions, a summary of findings, and recommendations for intervention and support.
  5. Feedback and Support: We schedule a feedback session to discuss the evaluation results, answer your questions, and provide guidance on potential treatment options.

If you suspect you may be experiencing symptoms of Bipolar Disorder or are seeking clarity regarding your mood patterns, Tennessee Neuropsychology can help help. Contact us to schedule an appointment or learn more about our Bipolar Disorder testing and evaluation services.

Neuropsychological Independent Medical Exams (IMEs), Neuropsychological Evaluation
We are located in the Fort Sanders West medical complex, in Suite 107 of Building 1. Schedule an appointment, pay for your appointment and learn about billing policies.