Fort Sanders West

200 Fort Sanders West Blvd.
Medical Office Building 1
Suite 107


Appointments & Consultations

Attachment Disorders

Understanding Attachment-Related Disorders: Attachment Disorder Testing Services in Knoxville, Tennessee

Welcome to Tennessee Neuropsychology, your destination for comprehensive psychological testing and evaluation services for Attachment-Related Disorders in Knoxville, Tennessee. Our compassionate team of professionals is committed to helping individuals who have experienced trauma or have challenges with attachment gain a deeper understanding of their experiences. Through our specialized testing services, we aim to provide clarity, support, and personalized intervention strategies to promote healing and well-being.

Attachment-Related Disorders

Attachment-related disorders are characterized by challenges in forming secure and healthy attachments with caregivers or important individuals in a person’s life. These disorders can arise from early childhood experiences and can impact relationships and emotional well-being. The two main types of attachment-related disorders are Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD) and Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder (DSED).

Reactive Attachment Disorder (RAD)

Reactive Attachment Disorder is a complex disorder that typically develops in early childhood due to significant neglect, deprivation, or disruptions in the child’s early caregiving environment. Children with RAD struggle to form healthy emotional bonds with caregivers and may exhibit the following behaviors:

  1. Avoidance of Attachment: Children with RAD may actively avoid or resist comforting or affectionate behaviors from caregivers, creating a protective emotional barrier.

  2. Difficulty with Emotion Regulation: RAD can lead to difficulty regulating emotions, leading to intense mood swings, irritability, or emotional withdrawal.

  3. Limited Trust in Caregivers: Children with RAD may struggle to trust caregivers and may not seek comfort or support from them, even when distressed.

  4. Social Withdrawal: Children with RAD may avoid social interactions with peers and have difficulty forming friendships.

Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder (DSED)

Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder is another attachment-related disorder characterized by indiscriminate social behaviors and a lack of appropriate wariness towards strangers. Children with DSED may exhibit the following behaviors:

  1. Overly Familiar with Strangers: Children with DSED may approach and engage with unfamiliar adults without hesitation or caution.

  2. Lack of Stranger Anxiety: Unlike typically developing children, those with DSED may not show signs of anxiety or fear when interacting with unfamiliar individuals.

  3. Inappropriate Boundaries: Children with DSED may display overly affectionate or overly clingy behaviors with strangers, leading to a lack of differentiation between familiar and unfamiliar individuals.

  4. Impulsivity: DSED can contribute to impulsive behaviors, both socially and emotionally, due to a lack of consideration for potential consequences.

The Importance of Attachment-Related Disorder Testing

Comprehensive assessment and diagnosis of attachment-related disorders are crucial for understanding a child’s emotional and social challenges fully. Testing can help:

  • Identify Attachment Patterns: Testing assesses attachment behaviors and patterns, aiding in the diagnosis of Reactive Attachment Disorder or Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder.
  • Differentiate from Other Conditions: Testing helps rule out other mental health or developmental conditions that may present similar symptoms.
  • Inform Intervention Planning: Understanding the specific attachment-related challenges helps develop tailored intervention plans and therapeutic approaches.
  • Support Child and Family: A comprehensive evaluation provides valuable insights and support to both the child and their caregivers.
Our Attachment-Related Disorder Testing Process

At Tennessee Neuropsychology we follow a compassionate and child-friendly approach to attachment-related disorder testing. The process typically includes the following steps:

  1. Initial Consultation: We begin with an initial consultation to gather information about the child’s history, experiences, and concerns related to attachment.
  2. Attachment Assessment: Our experienced professionals use validated assessment tools, observations, and interviews to assess attachment behaviors and patterns.
  3. Comprehensive Evaluation: We evaluate emotional functioning, social interactions, cognitive functioning, and any potential co-occurring conditions to provide a holistic evaluation.
  4. Collaborative Analysis and Report: Our team carefully analyzes the assessment data and prepares a detailed report. The report includes diagnostic impressions, a summary of findings, and recommendations for intervention and support.
  5. Feedback and Support: We schedule a feedback session to discuss the evaluation results, answer questions, and provide guidance on potential treatment options.

If you suspect your child may be experiencing attachment-related challenges, such as Reactive Attachment Disorder or Disinhibited Social Engagement Disorder, Tennessee Neuropsychology can help. Contact our team in Knoxville, Tennessee, to schedule an appointment or learn more about our attachment-related disorder testing and evaluation services.

Neuropsychological Independent Medical Exams (IMEs), Neuropsychological Evaluation
We are located in the Fort Sanders West medical complex, in Suite 107 of Building 1. Schedule an appointment, pay for your appointment and learn about billing policies.