Neuropsychological Evaluation
Common Reasons to Request a Neuropsychological Evaluation
- Diagnostic Clarification
- Quantification of Cognitive Impairment Due to Neurological or Psychiatric Disease
- Determination of Disability
- Determination of Fitness for Duty
- Detection of Possible Malingering of a Neurologic or Behavioral Disorder
- Injury-Related Litigation / Capacity and Placement Issues
Conditions that Affect Cognition Include
- Traumatic Brain Injury
- Cerebrovascular Event
- Multiple Sclerosis
- Learning Disorders
- Memory Disorders
- Attention Deficit Disorder
- Executive Deficits
- Age-Related Memory Decline
- Depression/Anxiety
- Other Neurologic or Behavioral Condition
Age Ranges and Length of Testing
- Dr. Spica performs evaluations on individuals across the full life span, with emphasis on adolescents and adults.
Written Reports and Recommendations
- After an evaluation is completed, Dr. Spica will meet with the client (and often with family) to review the findings of the evaluation. During this session recommendations are made for treatment or other interventions, ranging from teaching clients how to best capitalize on the strengths evidenced in the evaluation, to referral to an appropriate professional in the client’s community for continued treatment.

We are located in the Fort Sanders West medical complex, in Suite 107 of Building 1. Schedule an appointment, pay for your appointment and learn about billing policies.